
I had my 4th annual Cookie Swap this past Saturday night! I think it was the best one so far! I had some great helpers and together, I think we pulled off a great party!

Here are some pictures from our fun...

The kitchen table. We went with a red, black, zebra theme. I thought it was so cute! Ashley (one of my helpers) made cute name cards for all of the food!

Ashley made this cute Gingerbread Man centerpiece for one of the cookie tables.

My cookie sign!

Look at those cookies!

And more cookies!!

Me and Ashley! She was a HUGE help to me!!

Me and Kristi. She is such a sweetie!

Sheila and Amy. Two great friends! Amy helped me with the food and the games. I couldn't have done it with out her!

Marissa and precious Tyler!

Kristen and Erin. Kristen had a baby 2 weeks ago! She was brave to come! I'm glad she did, though! I didn't get a picture of baby Levi, but he was sooo sweet!

Cathleen and her Mom!

Danielle, Me and Leann.

Christina and Jennifer!

Andrea, Sacha and Amanda. Sacha was also a huge help to me! She made some of my most favorite appetizers!! She also led the group in a little Christmas Trivia.

We played a game where we had to see who could wrap their present the fastest while wearing pot holders on your hands!

It was a close race between Christina, Amanda and Kristen!

Kristen pulled it out for the win (even curling her ribbon)!

Erin and I had a mini Christmas piano recital. We managed to make it through without any name calling! ;) (My bunco group will get that!)

We had a contest for the tackiest Christmas outfit. Alicia took the prize, although, I think she looked pretty cute! Very creative!!

Time to swap some cookies!!

A great time was had by all! I am so thankful to have so many great friends! Having the cookie swap is alot of work, but it's well worth it in the end!


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