NOT the Mother of the Year!

Okay, so the tooth fairy forgetting to come once is one thing, but twice?????? Seriously, what kind of Mother does that?!

Judd lost his 6th tooth last night, so we did the routine of tucking it under his pillow so the tooth fairy could exchange it for a buck or two while he slept. Well, when I came into the living room this morning, my poor Judd was sitting on the sofa with his tooth in hand and said, "The tooth fairy didn't come". Talk about feeling like the stuff on the bottom of your shoe!

Bart and I watched a very long movie after we put the boys to bed last night. When I went upstairs to tuck the boys in before turning in for the night, I didn't even think about that little tooth lying under his pillow waiting for the tooth fairy! Poor Judd! By the time I actually remember to put my tooth fairy wings on and play the tooth fairy roll, he is not going to believe in the tooth fairy anymore! Poor Jack. When he loses his first tooth, Judd will probably tell him not to get too excited because the tooth fairy is not very dependable in our neck of the woods! My poor, neglected kids!

I have to share this picture I took last night. Poor Judd is going to need braces so bad!!!! I honestly don't know how his teeth can come in so bad. The one waaaaay behind the others baffles me! I know they can work miracles with braces, but man, that is going to be a tough one! We will begin our hunt for an orthodontist in the VERY near future!


  1. Awww, just try not to be too hard on the tooth fairy! Sometimes I switch my wedding ring to the other side when I know I have something important to remember... Have fun with those dentist/orthodontist bills!

  2. I think I told you this but I forgot 2 nights in a row! Your not that bad of a mom, because that would mean I am too.


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