Jack Did What?!

That's what went through my head when I talked to Jack's teacher today!

Don't let this sweet little face fool ya!

This one keeps us on our toes! We never know what he is going to say or do! I have a couple of examples that come to mind, but the most recent one happened today.

Let me start by saying that it is NEVER a good sign when the teacher taps on your window to tell you something in the carpool line! Yep, that's right! It happened! I was thinking, "Oh no! What did he do?!" His teacher proceeded to tell me that she handed out smiley face stickers at the end of the day (seems pretty harmless, right?). Well, Jack decided to unzip his pants and stick his on his (clearing throat) underwear. Then, he thought it would be funny to show all of the girls at his table. Nice!!!!! Clearly, he did not learn this behavior at home, so I don't know what made him think to do that!

I am so sorry to all of those sweet little girls that got an eye full today! Don't worry, sweet little girls' moms. Jack has been punished and will not be sharing his underwear with anyone anymore!!

Oh brother! I hope this is not a sign of things to come when he's a teenager!


  1. aaaaahahahahahahaha that just made me laugh SO hard! Silly Jack!


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