March 2,3,4...

Judd got to march in the Rooster Day Parade this morning!  It was so fun!!  This was our first Rooster Day Parade to attend.  It's all the talk of the town in May.  ;)  I guess it's one of those small town things.  My sister asked me if we caught many moon pies and beads.  Um, no...not that find of parade.  This was obviously nothing like a Mardi Gras parade like I grew up going to.  Ha!  It was fun, though, and I LOVED seeing Judd march with the middle school band.

Judd and Hunter going to get lined up

Here we go!

He's very hard to see, but he is in the second row.

Second row, on the other side of Maddy, the tall girl.

There he his!

Here comes the Pride!  I can't wait to see Judd marching with them one day!  :)

That's it!  Cock-A-Doodle-Dooooooooooo!


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