Friends and Answered Prayers

I wrote a pretty "down-in-the-dumps" blog post yesterday.  It had been "one of those days".  I prayed about it, and just this morning, God showed me a little "glimmer of light", so I had to share.  

This was yesterday's post....


I told a friend once that it takes 3 years for a new place to feel like home when you move.

3 years to establish good friendships.

You know, the kind of friends that you don't have to clean your house for before they come over?

Or, the kind of friends who can see you with no makeup, your hair a mess, and wearing PJ's and not bat an eye?

Those kind of friendships are the best.

The ones that know you inside and out.

You can sit and talk for hours and hours.

The ones you can be truly honest with..."No, you should not dye your hair dark brown!".

The ones who can tell you the brutal truth because they have your best interest at heart..."You should NEVER wear those jeans again.  They don't do anything for you.".  (Only a really good friend can tell you that! ;)

Those kind of friends are good to have.

The kind of friends you can call on in the middle of the night, or early morning hours because someone is sick and your husband is out of town.

The kind of friends you can borrow an egg or cup of sugar from when you are in a bind.

The kind of friends you can call on when you have car trouble.  They will help you however they can, no matter what they are doing.

The kind of friends that leave something on your doorstep because they know you are having a rough day.

The kind of friends you can call on at the last minute to meet for lunch or coffee.

Those kind of friends are priceless.

They are the best kind of friends.

The friends you can laugh with, cry with, and just be yourself with.

The friends that don't judge you.

The friends that like you for who you are.

Those kind of friends are my favorite.

Does it really take 3 years to make those kind of friends?

3 years is a really long time.

It is.

I have moved several times in my life, so I know the process.  I do believe it does take a good 3 years to really feel connected and to find your place.  I think it takes at least this long to create those kinds of friendships.  They don't happen overnight.

It is hard.

It is really hard.

Starting over is hard.

It is.

It just down right stinks.

I am going through a lonely time right now.  It seems as though I am watching the rest of the world go by, and I am just here doing the necessities of day-to-day life.

I know God will teach me something through this dark time.

I must be patient.

But it's so hard.

Some days are harder than others.

Today was a hard day.

I miss my friends.

I miss my neighbors.

I miss my Church.

Praying for God to teach me something through this hard time.  Maybe He just wants me to lean on Him and depend on Him, remembering He's all I need.

I know He's all I need.

You are my portion, Lord.

You are all I need.

Help that to be enough for me.

Lamentations 3:24 

 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,

“Therefore I have hope in Him.”

Boy, was that a depressing post, or what??!!  I mean, seriously!!  Pass the tissues!


I put 2 and 2 together and decided the people who live below us must've just moved here too.  I decided I would speak to them next time I saw them.  We ran into the mom this morning while leaving for school.  And guess what...she spoke to me first!  :)  She had also put 2 and 2 together and decided we must be new and building a house here too.  We started talking and it turns out, they are building a house in a neighborhood near our neighborhood.  They have 2 girls (2nd and 8th grade) and they go to the same schools as our boys.  Oh, and guess where they just so happened to live for 7 years????  TULSA, OK!  Can you believe that?  Small world, eh?  Do I think me running into her was a coincidence?  No ma'am!  I believe God had us bump into each other for a reason.  I will even go as far to say that I believe God had us move right above her for a reason.  Isn't God good?

Now, I am not saying we will be BFF's, but it is nice to have an acquaintance that shares commonalities.  I probably spoke no less than 100 words in our 5 minute conversation.  Ha!  Hopefully, I didn't scare her!  ;)  

Who knows, maybe I'll even ask her to borrow a cup of sugar in a few weeks?

You never know!


  1. I can completely relate. We've lived here now 9 years. And I STILL haven't found those kind of friends. Oh, not for lack of trying. We settled in at one church for 4 years , hosted community groups, yet still nothing. Know, we've been at our current church about 4 years and rather than closer friends, I feel like we are just getting further and further distance. It's something I've battled in my heart for years. And it DOES HURT . But I'm beginning to see my husband more and more as my very best friend. When I have had an inkling of "oh, I connect with This Friend!" - we start spending more time together, etc... I realize that I spend less time with and share less with my hubs. So I'm working on being content without a BFF. It's still hard, but I'm thankful for my man. ;)


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