When I'm 100...
Jack had to write a paper about himself at 100 years old. They had these papers displayed for open house. I got a kick out of it.
My favorite part.... "I will have a cane and a chair that takes me upstairs. I will live in an apartment by myself. I will have glasses for reading. This will help me see the cards when I play poker."
Bwahahahaha! So funny!
And while I'm talking about Jack, I have to share another funny.
He and Judd came in from walking the dog the other day and he looked like this.....
They had to leave their shoes outside because they were wet. I asked him if he had gotten in the nasty pond. He said no. ??? Hmmmmm. I'm not so sure about that!
Oh Jack, you keep me on my toes, boy!
You are one of a kind for sure, but we love you to pieces!
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