Christmas Cookies, PJ's and Parties

I think this is the first Christmas we have had in a very long time that I have not felt rushed.  And you know what?  I. AM. LOVING. IT.  I have been able to focus on the true meaning of Christmas instead of trying to get my house ready for a party, or trying to find the perfect outfit for a party, or planning this, helping with that, etc...  It's been really nice.  
This past week, I decorated a little, shopped a little, wrapped some presents, and baked a little too.  I declared Thursday my "baking day", so I stayed home all day and did just that...baked.  

When the boys got home, they helped me make some tea cakes and sugar cookies.

I'll post more after we decorate them.  I had to go get some red food coloring.  I had every color in the rainbow except red.

Jack had pajama day at school the other day.  In all of his years of school (even preschool) he would never participate in pajama day.  Well, low and behold, he did this year!

P.S.  I love this picture of him because he is READING a  book without being told to!  That is a rare occurrence around our house!  ;)  

Today was the last day of school before Christmas Vacation.  While Judd was taking exams, Jack was partying it up!  ;)

After Jack's party, we picked up Judd and headed to Cane's to celebrate school being out for 2 weeks!

Bring on CHRISTMAS VACATION!!  We are ready!  Woo hoo!!!!


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